Data X-Ray delivers unstructured data insights in minutes.

Unstructured Data Mapping

Map data at 100,000s words per second and govern all your personal, private and sensitive data.

Map and secure unstructured PI data

Relying on paper surveys and in-person interviews to gather insights about personal data can be tedious, error-prone and time-consuming. A data mapping tool that streamlines the data flow and triage process will enable your privacy and compliance teams to:

  • Find files with personally identifiable information (PII)

  • Apply smart labels and categorize files like PDFs and images

  • Identify potential privacy risks and take steps to mitigate them

Data X-Ray: Data Mapping of Unstructured PI Data

Data Discovery via Data X-Ray


Navigate through your unstructured data landscape and locate all files containing sensitive information.

Map unstructured data


No matter the type of file or where it is stored, map petabytes of data across your enterprise.

Generative AI analysis


Take corrective actions against data vulnerabilities. Transform data into valuable assets.

By 2024, 75% worldwide will have private data governed by regulations.

Be prepared.


Advantages of Data X-Ray

Data visualization

Use Data X-Ray to scan various data sources, including metadata and unstructured data sets and get a complete scope of your data.

ML classification

Use out-of-the-box classifiers to classify personal data with up to 98% accuracy. Explore, map and cleanse data to find hidden insights.

Data sensitivity taxonomies

Easily import existing data classification taxonomies, regular expressions, or dictionaries that you already rely on.

Data inventory

Connect and understand data silos, map multiple entities across different data sources, monitor changes over time and create unified data inventories.

Data remediation

Use dashboards to visualize and case files to segregate data into subsections for redaction, export, or storage as per governance policies.

Risky app identification

Scan applications to identify which ones have personal data so you can identify and remediate risky applications.

Client Success Stories

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