Data X-Ray delivers unstructured data insights in minutes.

Unstructured Data Migration

Create audited migration processes, remove redundant or obsolete data, and govern your data migration process.

Organize, plan and prepare for data migration

The vast amounts of unstructured data present across an organization's disparate databases and repositories, makes data migration a daunting task. To create data migration processes that work at scale, you need to assess the data assets you have, categorize them and then plan for migration, deletion or remediation.

  • Accurate unstructured data discovery
  • Automated content and metadata classification
  • Scalable governance processes

Data X-Ray: Combat the complexity of unstructured data migration

Migrate unstructured data

On-prem to cloud migration

Scan data sources on-premise and cloud and gain visibility into your organization’s unstructured data.

Metadata analysis

Analyze content and metadata of files and identify attributes such as size, access, type, and risk.

Scan - Unstructured Data Classification

Ensure data quality

Facilitate smooth data migration processes with accurate and efficient identification of relevant data.

83% of data migrations miss expectations, face delays, and surpass budgets.

Let us help you.


Advantages of Data X-Ray

Know your data

Deploy Data X-Ray to scan 100s of file types like emails, images, presentations, and PDFs on any device, location, and network to identify files based on your migration policies.

Reduce data risks

Gain a precise understanding of your unstructured data, detect files with high risk, implement corrective measures, and optimize data management and migration workflows.

Optimize data storage

Perform regular scanning and filtering of the data to ensure that the data being moved or deleted between storage systems is accurate, reliable, and accessible.

Custom ML classification

Tailor our base ML algorithms to fit your company's specific data governance taxonomies. Add new ML rules or utilize regular expressions and dictionaries to achieve optimal accuracy.

Data governance tooling

Data X-Ray has native integrations with tools like Collibra Data Catalog and Imperva® Data Security Fabric to trigger workflows based on your specific security or governance frameworks.

Data governance audit report

Data X-Ray's audit report enables you to track file sensitivity and then make decisions about what to do with those files based on organizational policies and regulations.

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